The children have shown an interest within the room about under the sea and what we may find in the sea whilst playing in the water tray using the sea animals and have also been discussing Sharks.
Experiences and outcomes
I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other text to watch, read or listen to and can share my likes and dislikes.
I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own pattern.
I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.
Play experiences and learning opportunities
Daily discussions about different stories within the story corner, group time, use of thumbs up and thumbs down, story evaluations, mind maps, library trips, use of puppets and story stones.
Size ordering, patterns using a variety of materials in each area e.g. Bricks, stones, paint, lego, patterned rainbow fish. Spotting patterns whilst out on walks, pattern spotting within the room, copying and creating my own patterns within the messy area, patterned sock activity.
Group discussions about how to be a good friend, Junior room values, creating a friendship wall, group time and sharing games.
Focus for learning
Choosing and discussing a variety of texts, giving reason for likes and dislikes. Participation in storytelling sessions. Using pictures, repetitive parts of the story or rhymes to help make predictions. Engages in stories in different ways for example retelling stories in own words, reenacting stories and using puppets.
Explores recognises and continues simple number patterns and describes them using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Copies, continues and creates simple patterns involving objects, shapes and numbers.
I know what a good friend is and know how to be a good friend, I know what caring and sharing means, I know what fairness means, I know what love means, I am developing an awareness of what respect means, I known that caring and sharing are important when building relationships.